Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Prayerwalking @ ASU


How does prayerwalking help?

*Thaw the ice in your college or neighborhood.
-Gradually coming to understand and care for them. -Steady prayer can warm the atmosphere of friendship
-Hearts opened by prayer can lead to doors opened for God’s healing touch.

*Overcome fear
-Prayerwalking helps you re-enter your college, dorm, or neighborhood with godly confidence.

*Becoming Aware of the spiritual battle around us.
-Prayerwalking is a form of warfare where as you walk, God can reveal to you what the evil one has taken from the place you are defending.

*Progress in Prayer
-Praying walking allows for those struggling in intercession a way to "see" what they are praying for—it is stimulating way to stretch yourself in prayer, and often as you walk, you are stirred up to go after every sort of prayer.
-Walking helps sensitize you to the realities of your communities. Sounds, sights and smells, far from distracting your prayer engage both body and mind in the art of praying.

Prayerwalking is…

Genuine prayer—it is essentially a relationship with God, talking and walking with God himself, through Jesus.
Directed Intercessory praying.
-Prayerwalking helps pray-ers learn how to pray for others, deferring urgent matters in their own lives from the top of their prayer agendas.
Intentional praying.
-Walking in order to pray, rather than praying only at the extra moments you find walking.
-Simply praying in the very places you expect your prayers to be answered.

**Prayerwalking should never be an end in itself. Evangelism and church-planting efforts often spring from prayerwalking. We are to PRAY, CARE and SHARE with the people groups for which we are burdened.

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