Dear CIVA,
This past Sunday God has convicted my heart of something and it will have an impact on this week's meeting at 2:15, so I wanted to give you an idea of what might be happening this Friday.
First of all, I want to apologize. I have not been focused on really connecting with each of you individually this semester and seeing what God is doing in your lives, where you are struggling and how we as a group can unite and support one another.
I thank God for His grace though. I am learning more and more that what we are doing (praying) is not an obligation out of duty or guilt, but something that should come as an overflow as we realize the great love of our Father.
Last night I realized just how much I love all of you. As a mother cares for her children I felt as though I was your mother. I was mad at the enemy for all that he has done to steal, kill or destroy in your lives, and this mother's love broke me down to tears praying for all of you and wanting to care for you more.
Honestly, I do not know my Father's heart enough. I pray that He will expand my heart to carry this knowledge so that I can love you as He does. At times I am afraid that I cannot be a good enough mother, that I don't even know how, but God tells me that it out of my weakness and lack of "knowledge" that He can work in His mighty strength and wisdom.
Please know that FATHER LOVES YOU, JESUS IS PASSIONATELY PURSUING YOU, SINGING OVER YOU (ZEPH 3:17) REJOICING OVER YOU, YES, EVEN IN YOUR WEAKNESS, IN YOUR FAILURE, IN YOUR SIN, YOU ARE STILL LOVED AND ENJOYED BY FATHER GOD. Love to love Him, live to know Him, know that "LOVE LOVES YOU!" God is love! He loved you first, always had and always will, His love for you will never change, forever and ever.
I pray that I can learn to love you as our Father does. That is why this Friday may be different.
This week God put it on my heart that as the prayer group for the art building we need to come together this week at the prayer house, repent for the sins of the art school and also repent among one another as the Bible tells us to do. This won't be an hour of judgement on one another, but an hour of release and cleansing. I will be honest with all of you with what I have been struggling with and I want to encourage all of you, have all of us pray for one another, and spend time loving eachother as God has loved us.
I believe God has been showing me that when we are divided we are conquered, but when we are united we are victorious. Whatever you need prayer for, whatever is on your heart, please come and share it with us as we meet this Friday.
We will meet at the Danforth Chapel across from the Library this week, rather than at the art building. I know it will probably be empty and we will be able to spend more time together without interuption.
I love you all. I will be praying unrelentingly for all of you this week and I really look forward to seeing you if can make this Friday.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
God's Goodness!

Hello fellow artists!
This week has been a new week of breakthrough here at Arizona State University! As I have sent you testimonies since this group began, thank you so much for praying and for praying for your realm of influence! Do not grow weary now in doing good, for God is moving in even greater waves of His glory as He finds those who are faithful to obey Him!
This week I was invited to talk to one of the Christian clubs on campus about prayerwalking, which we have done at the art college now for almost a year. The response was so encouraging and I am praying that more and more students begin to ask God for His heart for their college and the people groups that they can touch.
Also, a new desire for community has arisen in the art college among the students! One of our prayerwalkers, Bethany, listened in her class as students expressed their hope that the students in the art college would not be isolated and lonely, but establish a group where one could recieve support.
This is why we have come together as Chrisitians in our prayer group, but it has also been the vision that it could also expand to the rest of the art college, where no one would be left alone, but always have somone praying for them and encouraging them! Please pray that we will have wisdom and revelation from the Spirit to work with the Lord in this vision! We even felt that this would be the development of a community among the art students that would be modeled after and emulated by the rest of the university!
So many more relationships are being developed among the students now that I cannot list them all! Testimonies are being shared and God's name glorified and spoken in classes!
All the glory be to God and may He encourage you to press on for the prize! I thank God for all of you and I will keep you in my prayers!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Prayerwalking @ ASU
How does prayerwalking help?
*Thaw the ice in your college or neighborhood.
-Gradually coming to understand and care for them. -Steady prayer can warm the atmosphere of friendship
-Hearts opened by prayer can lead to doors opened for God’s healing touch.
*Overcome fear
-Prayerwalking helps you re-enter your college, dorm, or neighborhood with godly confidence.
*Becoming Aware of the spiritual battle around us.
-Prayerwalking is a form of warfare where as you walk, God can reveal to you what the evil one has taken from the place you are defending.
*Progress in Prayer
-Praying walking allows for those struggling in intercession a way to "see" what they are praying for—it is stimulating way to stretch yourself in prayer, and often as you walk, you are stirred up to go after every sort of prayer.
-Walking helps sensitize you to the realities of your communities. Sounds, sights and smells, far from distracting your prayer engage both body and mind in the art of praying.
Prayerwalking is…
Genuine prayer—it is essentially a relationship with God, talking and walking with God himself, through Jesus.
Directed Intercessory praying.
-Prayerwalking helps pray-ers learn how to pray for others, deferring urgent matters in their own lives from the top of their prayer agendas.
Intentional praying.
-Walking in order to pray, rather than praying only at the extra moments you find walking.
-Simply praying in the very places you expect your prayers to be answered.
**Prayerwalking should never be an end in itself. Evangelism and church-planting efforts often spring from prayerwalking. We are to PRAY, CARE and SHARE with the people groups for which we are burdened.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
CIVA 10/12/2007
- Greetings everyone! Praise God! He is always faithful and good! This week CIVA got together and prayerwalked the art buildings again this week and for His glory there are more testimonies to share from this past week!
This same student also shared this week that she has been praying for peace in a lab class and this past week the peace was restored the group she is working with!
This past week I also had the privledge of doing an exhibition with the honor's college at ASU, with the added benifit of not only showing my paintings, but also speaking to the parents about my work and why I create the pieces I do. My paintings are inspired by God's word which I was able to share with the parents this weekend. The particular verse I mentioned comes from
2 Timothy 2:21--"Therefore it anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work."
- As we were prayerwalking more confirmations and revelations were recieved as we went through the rooms. A vision of the lost coming to Jesus and also roots of tension and stress were revealed. The enemy may be working harder, but now his plans are being exposed!
- Let's keep praying and keep encouraging one another! This weekend I was tempted to give up, but right now is not the time to get weary. The time is NOW, this is the Year of the Lord's favor! Claim and take back what is the Lord's! We must not restict Him because we do not ask. God's promises come to pass as His people recognize what He is doing and enter into prayer (read Daniel's prayer in Daniel 9).
God Bless you all! Freely we have recieved, now freely let us give away!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

This week was a very encouraging week! Though it has been busy and at times tiring, I am glad that it doesn't phase God! He is Alive and He continues to be working all across our campus and right here in the art buildings at ASU!
So for the edification and of thegroup I would like to encourage you also with the testimony that belongs to God!
This week as one of our students was working in her drawing class, she noticed that one her peers was working on drawing of a lit candle with a beautiful necklace of a cross at the base of it. It looks like an illustration of Jesus as the Light of the World! Bethany found out later that he is not a Christian, but thought the cross looked really good in his drawing of the candle! Yes! Jesus is the Light of the World, even to a world that may not know it yet! He is coming and His light is filling the art building! Prayer is powerful!
Relationships are also being built and one in particular is one with a new grad student who is from Korea. She arrived just about two months ago and is working really hard to adjust to the culture and the new language. At first it has been hard to connect with her, but this week was much easier and I was able to visit her studio and help her with whatever she needed. She even said she could help me learn some Korean!
While prayerwalking the Art Tower building (which used to be a church), we noticed that the show case that holds the freshman undergrad's most recent work, had a piece entitled "The Center of the Earth." It was a depiction of Jesus in the middle of the world! Jesus is being displayed in bold testimony in the art school, whether the students know Jesus or they do not yet.
Another opportunity opened up today to testify of the prayerwalking and what the CIVA group has been doing. I talked to Honor's college students who want to start a similar club which brings artist's together and also has professional artist's come and speak to the club. It is exactly what the heart of the CIVA group is, aside from the prayer. As I am in the honor's college I can help them organize and begin a similar group! Christian art will be showcased in the Honor's college too!
Students are starting to show that they are crying out for something more, so get to know them, care for them, pray for them and share with them the hope that you have in Jesus! It would be amazing if God would want us to make that Tower building a Church again! If God leads it would be wonderful for students in the art college to have a place where they could hear the word of God in a setting that they are familiar with! Join me in prayer for more workers and for the harvest to come in (Luke 10:2)! Wherever you are, I want to encourage you that God uses art as a universal voice that speaks to those who don't know Christ! His creativity speaks to them in powerful ways that they may not understand. You can explain it to them and see a harvest of God's Glory whether you are a student, a proffessional artist or one who just wants to glorify God with a song! The world needs to hear that song, they need to see that painting and they see the dance that you can't keep inside!
The Work of an Artist

The fall semester is well underway for those of you who are students in art so I want to send a message of encouragment to you who in the schools of art or even just doing art as a full time career or hobby. I began this group because of the work of an artist. It is not what the world would define our work as.
Whether you use a paint brush, a pencil or the pick of a guitar, the work of the artist is that of submission to The Creator. It is only in the hands of the Master Artist when the work of our human hands can have eternal significance.I want to let you know that wherever you are, you are in a place of influence. God has given you an incredible gift of prophecy--to see as He sees. When we allow God to use us to create His master pieces, they can influence more people than we know in specific way. I was encouraged when I read a testimony of such influence (check out this website....
This semester at Arizona State University we have decided to use our authority in the art college again to prayerwalk and specifically pray for the faculty and students that need to encounter their Savior. I am expecting God to move as we come together as two or more gathered to call on His name. Keep praying for your fellow classmates, faculty, family and friends this semester. I believe that God is going to use us for such a time as this!
There is an urgency of the hour and I suspect that God will use His artists in new creative ways. Don't be afraid of looking is the foolish things that God uses to confound the wise! Art may seem like a foolish work to others in this success-oriented culture...but to God it is sacred. The devil is not creative. He is countered by it.
Take up your arrows this year! "Just as the darkness of the Middle Ages was overcome by the brilliant light of reformation and Renaissance, so too the dark perversions of the arts in this age will be overcome by the bright shing of God's arrow artists. He is launching you into spheres of heavenly creativity and lightning. From the place of intimacy, those who have been in His hidden quiver are about to fly. And the world will see His beauty again."

Psalms 27:4 "One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD."
This group is for Believer's in Christ who also find their passion in the creativity of God, be it in painting, drawing, intermedia, photography, etc. Also this is a place where prayer requests will be posted so that you can pray that God's creativity will be instituted again in the art realm. God's beauty and inspiration is Amazing!
As artists we are Co-Laboring with God. Today we are experiencing firsthand what David felt when he lived with God’s presence as his priority. We are working with God, not for Him. When we embrace this promotion, several things happen.
What we know changes.--We know the living, loving and Creative God!
Our experience changes,--We experience His love for us as life givers!
Our function in life changes,--We are made to love Him!
And our identity is radically transformed.--We are His Bride!
We begin working from His presence, rather than for His presence!
Join together with CIVA Arizona and we will discover the amazing, transforming power of a renewed mind and focus on what God has created us to do---Dream and Create!
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