Psalms 27:4 "One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD."
This group is for Believer's in Christ who also find their passion in the creativity of God, be it in painting, drawing, intermedia, photography, etc. Also this is a place where prayer requests will be posted so that you can pray that God's creativity will be instituted again in the art realm. God's beauty and inspiration is Amazing!
As artists we are Co-Laboring with God. Today we are experiencing firsthand what David felt when he lived with God’s presence as his priority. We are working with God, not for Him. When we embrace this promotion, several things happen.
What we know changes.--We know the living, loving and Creative God!
Our experience changes,--We experience His love for us as life givers!
Our function in life changes,--We are made to love Him!
And our identity is radically transformed.--We are His Bride!
We begin working from His presence, rather than for His presence!
Join together with CIVA Arizona and we will discover the amazing, transforming power of a renewed mind and focus on what God has created us to do---Dream and Create!
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