This week was a very encouraging week! Though it has been busy and at times tiring, I am glad that it doesn't phase God! He is Alive and He continues to be working all across our campus and right here in the art buildings at ASU!
So for the edification and of thegroup I would like to encourage you also with the testimony that belongs to God!
This week as one of our students was working in her drawing class, she noticed that one her peers was working on drawing of a lit candle with a beautiful necklace of a cross at the base of it. It looks like an illustration of Jesus as the Light of the World! Bethany found out later that he is not a Christian, but thought the cross looked really good in his drawing of the candle! Yes! Jesus is the Light of the World, even to a world that may not know it yet! He is coming and His light is filling the art building! Prayer is powerful!
Relationships are also being built and one in particular is one with a new grad student who is from Korea. She arrived just about two months ago and is working really hard to adjust to the culture and the new language. At first it has been hard to connect with her, but this week was much easier and I was able to visit her studio and help her with whatever she needed. She even said she could help me learn some Korean!
While prayerwalking the Art Tower building (which used to be a church), we noticed that the show case that holds the freshman undergrad's most recent work, had a piece entitled "The Center of the Earth." It was a depiction of Jesus in the middle of the world! Jesus is being displayed in bold testimony in the art school, whether the students know Jesus or they do not yet.
Another opportunity opened up today to testify of the prayerwalking and what the CIVA group has been doing. I talked to Honor's college students who want to start a similar club which brings artist's together and also has professional artist's come and speak to the club. It is exactly what the heart of the CIVA group is, aside from the prayer. As I am in the honor's college I can help them organize and begin a similar group! Christian art will be showcased in the Honor's college too!
Students are starting to show that they are crying out for something more, so get to know them, care for them, pray for them and share with them the hope that you have in Jesus! It would be amazing if God would want us to make that Tower building a Church again! If God leads it would be wonderful for students in the art college to have a place where they could hear the word of God in a setting that they are familiar with! Join me in prayer for more workers and for the harvest to come in (Luke 10:2)! Wherever you are, I want to encourage you that God uses art as a universal voice that speaks to those who don't know Christ! His creativity speaks to them in powerful ways that they may not understand. You can explain it to them and see a harvest of God's Glory whether you are a student, a proffessional artist or one who just wants to glorify God with a song! The world needs to hear that song, they need to see that painting and they see the dance that you can't keep inside!
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